
how to determine the optimum quantity, nature, and timing of military
expenditures to ensure a desired degree of economic control;  
how to organize the recruitment, deployment, and ostensible use of military
personnel to ensure a desired degree of acceptance of authorized social values;  
how to compute on a short-term basis, the nature and extent of the LOSS OF
LIFE and other resources which SHOULD BE SUFFERED and/or INFLICTED
DURING any single outbreak of hostilities to achieve a desired degree of
internal political authority and social allegiance;  
how to project, over extended periods, the nature and quality of overt warfare
which must be planned and budgeted to achieve a desired degree of contextual
stability for the same purpose; factors to be determined must include frequency
of occurrence, length of phase, INTENSITY OF PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION,
extensiveness of geographical involvement, and OPTIMUM MEAN LOSS OF
how to extrapolate accurately from the foregoing, for ecological purposes, the
continuing effect of the war system, over such extended cycles, on population
pressures, and to adjust the planning of casualty rates accordingly.  
War Research procedures will necessarily include, but not be limited to, the
(a) The collation of economic, military, and other relevant date into uniform
terms, permitting the reversible translation of heretofore discrete categories of
(b) The development and application of appropriate forms of cost-effectiveness
analysis suitable for adapting such new constructs to computer terminology,
programming, and projection.
(c) Extension of the "war games" methods of systems testing to apply, as a
quasi-adversary proceeding, to the nonmilitary functions of war.
Since Both Programs of the WAR/PEACE RESEARCH Agency will share the
same purpose---to maintain governmental freedom of choice in respect to war
and peace until the direction of social survival is no longer in doubt -- it is of the
essence of this proposal that the agency be constituted without limitation of