
7. In ASNE, Montreal address cited.
8. The Tenth Victim.
9. For an examination of some of its social implications, see Seymour
Rubenfeld, Family of Outcasts: A New Theory of Delinquency (New York:
Free Press, 1965).
10. As in Nazi Germany; this type of "ideological" ethnic repression, directed to
specific sociological ends, should not be confused with traditional economic
exploitation, as of Negroes in the U.S., South Africa, etc.
11. By teams of experimental biologists in Massachusetts, Michigan, and
California, as well as in Mexico and the U.S.S.R. Preliminary test applications
are scheduled in Southeast Asia, in countries not yet announced.
12. Expressed in the writings of H. Marshall McLuhan, in Understanding
Media: The Extensions of Man (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964) and
13. This rather optimistic estimate was derived by plotting a three-dimensional
distribution of three arbitrarily defined variables; the macro-structural, relating
to the extension of knowledge beyond the capacity of conscious experience; the
organic, dealing with the manifestations of terrestrial life as inherently
comprehensible; and the infra-particular, covering the subconceptual
requirements of natural phenomena. Values were assigned to the known and
unknown in each parameter, tested against data from earlier chronologies, and
modified heuristically until predictable correlations reached a useful level of
accuracy. "Two decades" means, in this case, 20.6 years, with a standard
deviation of only 1.8 years. (An incidental finding, not pursued to the same
degree of accuracy, suggests a greatly accelerated resolution of issues in the
biological sciences after 1972.)
1. Since they represent an examination of too small a percentage of the eventual
options, in terms of "multiple mating," the subsystem we developed for this
application. But an example will indicate how one of the most frequently
recurring correlation problems--chronological phasing--was brought to light in
this way. One of the first combinations tested showed remarkably high
coefficients of compatibility, on a post hoc static basis, but no variations of